Assessment & Reporting

What parents need to know

At St John the Apostle it is important we assess learning to provide effective teaching and intervention to ensure progress for each student.

We have developed a schedule for assessment of students R-6. This describes when, what and how we monitor the progress of your child.

Various assessments include NAPLAN, DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills), PAT-R (Reading) and PAT-M (Maths) as well as Classroom Pulse Survey (Wellbeing).

We then report to parents twice per year, in terms 2 & 4.

In addition to this, we offer Parent/Teacher Interviews in terms 1& 3.

The Classroom door is always open...!

The Staff of this school believe that development of the assessment and reporting procedures should be ongoing. This includes discussions with parents. Opportunities are thus provided for both formal and informal communication about students’ work and their future learning.