Family Communication

School Stream

School Stream is used to communicate whole school information and events

How to get the School Stream app on your mobile device

  1. From your mobile device, go to the App Store (iPhone/iPad) or Google Play (Android), search for School Stream and download app to your phone.
  2. Once School Stream has finished installing, open the app, type your school's name, click search - then select your school.
  3. Please ensure push notifications are enabled. This will ensure you are up to date with all school information.


Seesaw is used for communication between teachers and families

How to get the Seesaw app on your mobile device

  1. From your mobile device, go to the App Store (iPhone/iPad) or Google Play (Android), search for Seesaw and download the app to your phone.
  2. Create a family account.
  3. At the beginning of each new school year, your child's class teacher will send home a QR code to connect you with their class.