
The Parent & Friends team is a powerful and positive influence on our school’s community spirit.

Parents & Friends Team is a group of Volunteers that build communities, fundraise, organise social functions, and support school events.

If you would like to get involved in our school community please contact the school office on 8382 2064 or info@stjohns.catholic.edu.au


Volunteers and police checks

We welcome the involvement of parents and carers in our community. Volunteers support in the classroom, on excursions, and through coaching and managing support teams. All our volunteers have police clearance and must complete our induction process.

Please speak to your child’s teacher the front office if you would like to help

How can you help?

Volunteers contribute richly to the school’s learning program and community life.

You can help in:

  • Classrooms - supporting reading, attending excursions, helping with art and craft activities, participating in learning activities in literacy and numeracy
  • Sports - coaching and managing teams
  • Committees - eg School Board, Parents & Friends

What do you need?

 A Police Check through the CESA Police Check Unit

  • Step 1. Completed training in Responding to Abuse & Neglect and copy given to the front office (information attached below).
  • Step 2. Read induction pack for Volunteers
  • Step 3 & 4. Induction for Volunteers Application & Declaration forms completed and given to the front office (attached below).
  • Step 5. Police check Induction form (100 points of identification required) completed by front office staff.

 For more information please see the front office.