During the school holidays Bu Donna, Justin Marsh and Simone Mashford traveled to Jakarta as part of the Engaging with Asia Program- supported by Catholic Ed. They visited 3 different school’s MIN 2, MIN 1 and MIN 3 all these schools are Islamic Schools. MIN 2 is recognised as our sister school. During the visits they watched many welcome assemblies, visited classroom and engaged with the students and teachers in both Bahasa Indonesian and English.
During week 5 we are lucky enough to have 2 teachers and 6 students visiting us from MIN 2 school, they will be enjoying a few day trips and will get the opportunity to engage with our students and teachers.
We will be having an official welcome assembly on Monday 11 November at 2.20pm. We would like to invite our St John parents & caregivers to attend to welcome our Indonesian visitors to our school. (more details to follow).